Langcliffe USA Inc.

Langcliffe USA Inc is a buy-side deal originator and the sister company of Langcliffe International.
Vendor advisors, across Europe and the US, seek our introductions to the most relevant buyers for their mandates.
We introduce those acquisition opportunities to corporate and private equity clients throughout North America.
We only ever take a buy-side fee.

Key contacts

Emily McDermott

Deal Manager

Tel: +44 (0)7516 029246

Email Business card

Emily, who joined Langcliffe in 2021, originally worked alongside Maryia Amrez in the UK private equity team, looking after family offices and mid-market PE buyers. She is now focussing on our US expansion, specifically targeting and establishing relationships with corporate buyers in the region. Emily has a bachelor’s degree in International Studies with a specialisation in Latin America from Leiden University, the Netherlands.

George Davies

Senior Deal Executive

Tel: +44 (0)7516 029245

Email Business card

George focusses on the identification of platform and bolt-on opportunities for Langcliffe’s North American private equity buyers, as well as establishing and developing relationships with new firms in the region. He graduated from Coventry University (Scarborough) in 2020 with a degree in Business Management & Leadership, and joined the Langcliffe team in 2021.

Cameron Edgar

Deal Executive

Tel: +44 (0)7893 897628

Email Business card

As part of the US corporate team, Cameron’s role is to build on the client base we currently have, identifying potential new relationships and developing our US corporate buyer activity ongoing. Cameron has a Bachelor’s degree in International Business, and a Master’s degree in Finance & Investment from Leeds Beckett. He joined the Langcliffe team in 2024. His hobbies outside of work include rugby and hiking.

James Nixon

Senior Commercial Executive

Tel: +44 (0)7516 029082

Email Business card

James works in the commercial team, looking after and monitoring advisor relationships. He enjoys reaching out to and meeting advisors face to face, establishing new and maintaining existing relationships. James sustains our advisor contact information, ensuring the data is current and they are the recipients of our most important communications. He also helps his team with the processing of new mandates. By monitoring advisor activity and liaising with the wider team, he helps create action points to improve the Langcliffe service and hopefully increase the volume of mandates we see. James graduated from Sheffield Hallam in 2017 with a degree in Business & Enterprise Management. He joined the Langcliffe team in 2020, after living in New Zealand for a couple of years.

Corporate and private equity acquirers, please contact Emily McDermott
Vendor advisors, please contact James Nixon